API Reference

Payment Status

Inquire the invoice information


You need to verify the payment information by calling the API to get Invoice payment to confirm that the information is correct and valid before proceeding with your action.

API endpoint

The endpoint for retrieve the Sadad payment transaction information is the API endpoint GetById. This API endpoint is a GET request with id parameter which should be the Sadad invoice ID.


  "isValid": true,
  "errorKey": null,
  "response": {
    "id": 1821,
    "vendor_Id": 51,
    "code": "INV-01821",
    "type": "Invoice",
    "status": "Unpaid",
    "amount": 5.58,
    "alt_Amount": 18.000000128746034,
    "total": 5.58,
    "subtotal": 5.58,
    "refunded_Amount": 0,
    "sendType": "",
    "lang": "en",
    "customer_Name": "test test",
    "customer_Mobile": "813712",
    "customer_Email": "[email protected]",
    "ref_Number": "72",
    "currency_Code": "USD",
    "discount_Type": "",
    "discount_Amount": 0,
    "discount_Amount_Total": 0,
    "expiry_Date": "09/22/2023 00:00:00",
    "attachment": "",
    "remind_After": 0,
    "comment": "",
    "terms_Condition_Enabled": false,
    "terms_Condition": "",
    "key": "597752911821",
    "items": [],
    "transactions": [],
    "transactionID": null,
    "paymentGateway": null,
    "paymentGatewayCode": null,
    "deleted": false,
    "url": "https://sandbox.sadadpay.net/pay/597752911821",
    "qr": "https://sandbox.sadadpay.net/qr/597752911821/download",
    "orderStatus": "",
    "success_ReturnURL": null,
    "fail_ReturnURL": null